I was excited to hear that my book, How To Raise Monarch Butterflies, was reviewed yesterday in the Washington Post, circulation over half a million!

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Branding and Selling the Rocks

I rushed early to the school the next morning, so I could see the rocks before our group had to leave the town.  I was blown away with the quality

Book Review: Nature Where We Live, by Don Scallen

This winter, I spent endless hours scouring the trails and woods in search of cocoons. I found few prizes, and have had to satisfy myself with fungi, old nests, and

The book reviews are coming in.

I feel like I’ve just performed in a show:  the reviews are coming in.  This one is from Time Magazine for Kids, ie Timeforkids  http://timeforkids.com/news/green-books/11191 How To Raise Monarch Butterflies