February 23, 2024 9 Comments 0 tags

With all the buzz about human intervention possibly harming our monarchs, some people are asking,  SHOULD WE STILL RAISE MONARCH BUTTERFLIES? The answer is still… yes! There are been a


June 27, 2023 0 Comments 0 tags

Book Review: Monarch Butterflies: Explore the Life Journey of One of the Winged Wonders of the World

September 5, 2021 0 Comments 0 tags

Monarch Butterflies is a visual and literary delight. Author Ann Hobbie is the Chair of the board of directors of Monarch Joint Venture. For her first book, she partnered with

Mixed Feelings at Monarch Tagging Time

August 25, 2021 0 Comments 0 tags

Earlier this month, I received that familiar orange envelope from Monarch Watch.  My tags had arrived.  As caterpillar hunting and rearing was winding down, tagging season would soon begin. I

Monarchs: To Raise or not to raise?

July 21, 2021 3 Comments 0 tags

Raise! Raising monarchs is the most exciting, interesting, healthy and inspiring summer hobby for people from 2 to 102. The hunt for eggs, caterpillars, and food gets you out of

Mexico 2022!

March 16, 2021 0 Comments 0 tags

As more of us get our covid shots, we can envision our world after covid. I for one, can’t wait to book my next trip. If visiting the overwintering sanctuaries

Book Review: Nature Where We Live, by Don Scallen

March 14, 2021 0 Comments 0 tags

This winter, I spent endless hours scouring the trails and woods in search of cocoons. I found few prizes, and have had to satisfy myself with fungi, old nests, and

Are you ready for monarch season?

March 31, 2020 2 Comments 0 tags

At this time of year, even if you didn’t have covid fever (I mean CABIN) fever, you might be itching for monarch season to start. I certainly am. Well, my

Spotline on: Junior Monarch Crusader Cameron Bolohan

October 28, 2019 2 Comments 0 tags

Cameron is 16 years old and lives in London, Ontario. His interest in monarch butterflies began in Junior Kindergarten when his teacher brought 2 chrysalises into the classroom. The children

Caterpillar Season Comes to an End

October 13, 2019 0 Comments 0 tags

I am overwhelmed with mixed feelings as caterpillar season comes to a close. One by one, I clean my rearing containers, as the last of my butterflies start their new